
The CSTB & you

Insurance companies distinguish between:

  • standard guaranteed work (using standard techniques);
  • work requiring a prior declaration from the contractor, with a possible adjustment of the insurance premium to the assessed level of risk (non-standard techniques).

This is a contractual relationship established by the insurance companies.

Standard techniques

In general, the following are considered standard techniques:

  • work described in the French “DTU” (Unified Codes of Practice) standards;
  • work within the scope of the “RAGE” professional recommendations;
  • work within the scope of Professional Rules accepted by the Product Prevention Commission (C2P);
  • systems covered by a Technical Appraisal (ATec) or a Technical Application Document (DTA) which are not under observation by the C2P;
  • systems covered by a favorable Technical Experimentation Assessment (ATEx);
  • systems covered by a green Pass'Innovation (PI) (fast-track assessment).

Non-standard techniques

Non-standard techniques include:

  • work not described in texts by a consensus of the stakeholders;
  • work within the scope of Professional Rules not examined or not accepted by the C2P;
  • systems covered by a Technical Appraisal (ATec) or a Technical Application Document (DTA) belonging to a family of systems under observation by the C2P;
  • systems that have received a conditional or unfavorable ATEx;
  • systems that have received an orange or red Pass'Innovation (PI) (fast-track assessment);
  • systems that are subject to a New Technique Investigation (ETN);
  • or systems subject to a European Technical Assessment (ETA) / European Technical Approval (ETA) not validated by a DTA.

The assessment procedure enables certain non-traditional techniques to benefit from insurance terms equivalent to those applied to standard techniques.